Every ten years, the Planning Commission updates Barnesville’s Master Plan.
A Master Plan is a document that outlines a vision for the Town’s future. It begins with a description of the Town as it is. Then it lists goals for improvement in the next two decades, along with strategies for achieving that vision.
Here are some of the topics included in our plan:
Environment – especially water issues because we all rely on wells and septic systems. Trees are another topic of great importance, as is climate change.
Transportation – especially commuter traffic, pedestrian safety and access to MARC services.
Housing – both maintenance of our current housing and goals for future residential development.
Public services – because our residents rely on services the County provides, this topic is more descriptive than goal oriented.
Future size of our municipality - How much growth do we anticipate? Will more land be annexed into our Town?
New issues – will we see an increase in home businesses, including short-term rentals? Will owners prefer to locate them in accessory structures? What will new kinds of antenna for cellular services (5G) look like and how will we regulate them?
In 2021, the Town Commissioners will hold discussions on the most recent draft Comprehensive Master Plan, which was completed in November 2020.
HERE is a link to the 2020 Draft Master Plan.
Once the new master plan is adopted, there will be additional work to prepare changes to the various ordinances that Barnesville uses to regulate land use. I.e., the Zoning Ordinance, the Subdivision Ordinance, and the Forest Conservation Ordinance.